
To you the reader I want to say thank you for taking the time to read my poetry and take the journey known as life with me.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Just Because

I’ve learned love from you
More than I knew I could love anyone outside of my child
You’ve been in the trenches with me
Stood beside me even when you had ever right to leave
Assisted me with battling my demons
Never known anyone that gave more than took
Unfathomable, a life with you
Feast or famine with this one
I can’t go back to being your best friend again
Things fall apart I know but as long as we’re not fighting one another to stay rather we should be using our combined strength to keep the outside at bay
I finally know what it’s like to be in love
….thank you for loving me

© 2013

Steve Logan

Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Vent

I'm struggling to keep my sanity
Finally became best friends with God but in doing that the devil became a mortal enemy
I sit alone shaking trying to regain control
Having trouble focusing
Lord I think I'm finally losing it
I'll be the reason my own greatest fear comes true
Loved ones alienated
My mind incarcerated
Soul incinerated
My life abbreviated
My self I hate it....
Confessions of a maniac depressant
Ticking time bomb
The countdown has begun

(C) 2013
Steve Logan