
To you the reader I want to say thank you for taking the time to read my poetry and take the journey known as life with me.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Captured Heart

A collaborative piece by JHpoetry and Ideologikal

She loves me.
She loves me not.
I love her.
I can't picture my world without her.
The apple of my eye.
The silver liningaround those dark clouds.
My walking poetry book.
Waiting to be translated.
So the world can understand I trust her.
Not only with my life,but the thing I've kept guarded from any other woman...My heart

He loves me.
He loves me not.
I love him.
My lungs are filledwith his helium.
So I exhale easily.
The rainbow underneaththe clouds.
The open mic of me.
As one ----togetherspoken words of poetry
.I trust him enough to give him the key
.Unlocking all thesacredness inside.An unusual decision has been made
.To give it my all.Something I have guarded for years...My heart

1 comment:

Jhpoetry said...

Anything associated w/ Jhpoetry needs to be reader friendly. Ideo...your wrong for all those run in words. Hit the space key pls. Thank you, :) Got a comment that the piece flowed well...