
To you the reader I want to say thank you for taking the time to read my poetry and take the journey known as life with me.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Just speaking (not a poem)

So I was sitting here reading every poem that I've wrote. Let me just say I have come a long way! Starting out writing poetry as a way to get out hard feelings of heartbreak from my 1st love to now being able to get my point across without the aid of profane language or punch lines.

What brought about this change? Simple and complex in a way like most things in life. I grew up, realizing that the things I was writing I didn't even want to read. There is not a market for hate poetry not to me anyway. Now I still have that passion sans the curse words.

Another thing is my relationship with God. Now I am not nor will I ever claim to be a bible scholar but I find myself sitting down and my pen is moved by someone else. Notice in my latest poems a few of them have religious undertones. That is not to say I won't still write about other topics because trust me I will.

Well that's the long and short of my current journey. Thank you all for taking the time to read this or any of my poems and following my blog. I appreciate you more than you will ever know.

- Steve

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