Nothing open but legs at this time so let me head home
before I do something and someone that I’ll be ashamed of myself for come
Tell the crew I’ve had my fill of tonight and hit the
Streets are clear
Windows down
UGK bumping through my speakers
I’m looking good
Diamonds up against the wood
All the lights are green
Past the gas station
And the police turns out behind me
Following me so close that he’s practically in the car
with me
Nothing to worry about
Insurance is current
License just renewed
Warrants (thinks)……
Yeah I paid all those off last month
Got the paperwork to show in case the boys get froggy
1 mile
2 miles
3 miles
4 miles
5 miles
This pig still behind me
I know he had to have ran my plates long enough to see
that I’m legal
Maybe he thinks I’m a drug dealer
Young, black, nice car, out at this time of night
Shaking my head
Watch him pull me over, tear apart my car then call the
drug sniff dog… it a beagle?
On 8 miles now and he is still tailing me
I turn he turns
Left to right
Even though I know I’ve done nothing wrong….I still feel
some sort of fright
Finally on my street pull in my driveway he stops a
couple house back…..just sitting there looking at me
Pull out my keys he starts to edge his car to block mine
As I open the house door with no troubles he looks pissed
I can make out the words he’s saying
“How in the hell did this nigger get a house in a white
Turns on his lights and speeds off
Now you tell me there is no such thing as racism
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